
How can I make curve endpoints of various spiral curves parallel with an axis in geometry nodes.

Example: I create a curve spiral and use a circle as the profile. As you see the end points are skewed / at an angle (see red arrows)



I'm trying to get them to be parallel with the axis (lined up)

  • $\begingroup$ i doubt there is an easy way, I think you will have to go the "hard" way and manually position the handle position points of your endpoints. $\endgroup$
    – Chris
    Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 12:14

1 Answer 1


Not the most elegant result, but it's relatively easy to calculate the index values of those endpoint vertices, so you could simply select them and Set Position their Y values to $0$:

enter image description here

It would break if you set the Spiral resolution too high, and it doesn't preserve the curvature of the tips, but could be good enough depending on your purpose.


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