
I was following Royal Skies pelvis weight paint drivers video when I notice that the Z axis for the thigh bone is pointing right, and the Y axis is pointing down, but my thigh bone's axis is pointing in different directions which I think is causing technical issues. Is there a way to change the directions of the bone's axis?enter image description here


2 Answers 2


Select bone, press Ctrl A, apply rotation, profit.

  • $\begingroup$ I went into pose mode selected the bone I wanted, but when I pressed ctrl A I kept getting this small menu with four options. $\endgroup$
    – Stephen
    Nov 22, 2022 at 23:55
  • $\begingroup$ You have to be in object mode for this. $\endgroup$
    – Deven
    Nov 23, 2022 at 0:33

What you show is not the bone's axis, it's the global or local axis, the bone's axis are not the same, to see them go into Object Data > Viewport Display and enable the Axis option. or in the Transform Orientations panel choose Normal:

enter image description here

You can't change the bone's axis, Y will always be the bone's main axis, but you can make it rotate on itself with CtrlR + degrees.

If you want to change the local axis, meaning the armature's axis, you can enable the Transform Affect Only Origins option and rotate the origin as you want:

enter image description here


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