First question here. I came from a 3DSMax background, since then I've succeeded to find pretty much everything I needed to make the switch from 3DSMax to Blender, except for this : there a very useful option called "preserve UVs" that allows to move vertices / edges /faces without stretching the mapped texture on the mesh. In fact it moves the selection simultaneously in 3D view and UV view.
As far as I know, actually the only way to "Preserve UVs" in Blender is to use the "Slide Edge" tool and select the "Correct UVs" option. I would like to know if there's any workaround to apply this "Correct UVs" option when moving elements in 3D view
Is this a planned feature for the further Blender's updates? Actually it's a kind a straight forward workflow, modeling everything, we have to make sure that everything is ok before Unwrapping UVs. It would be nice to have a way to going back and forth easily.
Thanks for your answers.