How do I prevent subdivision surface from moving an empty?
Here is a cylinder, a vertex group has been assigned to the topmost vertices. A plane sits on top.
I have fixed an empty to this location using Copy Location Constraint and indicating the vertex group.
I fix the plane to the same location as the empty with Copy Location Constraint
I want to bend the cylinder with a deform modifier and have the plane stay in the same place. When I add Subdivision surface it adds geometry above the top of the topmost ring, and the empty moves down taking the plane with it. The cylinder clips thorugh the plane.
How do I prevent this from happening?
I can't move the origin of the cylinder, and I don't want to apply the Subsurf, I will duplicate this object many times and animate, so need to keep faces low. I have tried adding an extra ring close to the top of the cylinder but it still doesn't sit perfectly on the top of the cylinder.
Thank you.