I know that there are several solutions for fixing the topology of meshes that are converted from text. However, the font I'm using is Segoe Script regular, which is a cursive typeface. The key issue is that the characters overlap where one character flows into the next, and when converted to a mesh this creates a problem. The characters are overlapping but the whole piece of text is one object. An example of what it looks like is attached: . The problem comes when you try to do something such as add a rim to the font: The characters are in an inbetween state, half separate objects and half the same object, and I have been unable to find a way to clean up the mesh so that linked characters are properly joined together.These overlapping objects within a single object also create a problem within cycles which doesn't render them cleanly either.
I've tried using remesh but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea? I'm relatively inexperienced at using Blender.