My goal is to graph an F curve on an external program.
I've read that an F curve is a bezier curve, but when I plug in values using a start and end keyframe and their handles into a cubic bezier curve, the graph looks completely different. (Using the points: [(0, 7.83), (4.67, 7.68), (-0.2, 0.475), (4, 0.822)]) Clearly an F curve is some kind of univocal curve, whereas it bends backwards a bit in the Desmos. I get that this is because time cant move back on an animation.
But how then, do I get an equation that can create the graph of an FCurve given the data from two keyframes? Or, how can I adjust the values from the data of two keyframes, such that they match a traditional cubic bezier curve equation?
Any help is appreciated.
Here is the F curve graph in blender
Here is the failed attempt to graph it in Desmos using a cubic bezier curve equation and the points from the F curve