
I'm trying to export a multi-layer EXR sequence. I remember encountering a similar problem about a year ago but I cannot remember what I did to fix it. Basically, the video reference I used for the camera tracking is also rendering with the 3D model. I turned the background off and don't know where else to look. I attached the a screenshot with some of the settings (don't consider the viewport).

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Disabling the background collection makes only the scene objects disappear which are in this collection. I cannot see it clearly in your screenshot, but I guess what you see when rendering is the image that is in the Background material of the World.

And if I understand the question correctly you want the background to be transparent. To achieve this, go to the Render Properties > Film and enable Transparent.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for replying. Actually, transparency is on. The video I had initially imported into blender in the motion tracking page is showing in the final render. I can't find it anywhere to disable it $\endgroup$
    – TORM3NTO
    Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 8:26
  • $\begingroup$ Do you have the video imported in the Video Sequencer? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2022 at 7:17

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