Is it possible to make certain bone disappears/switch looks, using a switch or some sort? I had this assumption after seeing auto rig pro's rig ,where if i switch fk to ik , vice versa, i see the bone changes shape. Thank you.
1 Answer
There's multiple ways to make an FK/IK Switch in Blender. Here's the blend file of the method I use :
And here are the steps I go through to make it :
- Create a separate bone, visible at all times
- Add a custom property on this bone
- Type : Integer
- Name : "FK/IK Switch"
- Default : 0
- Min : 0
- Max : 1
- Right-click on the custom property > Copy as New Driver
- In the outliner, paste the driver onto the visibility switch of the desired bones :
- Change the expression on the FK bones to
1 - custom_property
- Done !