I'm not sure why this info is so hard to find but what kind of log is used when you export filmic log?
Like Cineon Film log, Arri Log-C, Slog, or is it some proprietary blender log that Resolve hasn't added to its color space transform options.
I'm not sure why this info is so hard to find but what kind of log is used when you export filmic log?
Like Cineon Film log, Arri Log-C, Slog, or is it some proprietary blender log that Resolve hasn't added to its color space transform options.
I think the best place to learn about it is on the creator's Github:
GitHub - sobotka/filmic-blender: Film Emulsion-Like Camera Rendering Transforms for Blender
This is a simple OpenColorIO configuration for intermediate to advanced imagers using Blender's Cycles raytracing engine, or the Renderman system as included by default.
There is also this ticket which might interest you:
Filmic LUT for Resolve · Issue #40 · sobotka/filmic-blender · GitHub
Feel free to participate in the discussion there or creating your own "discussion" issue with the developer.