When I make something in logic bricks, I try to have everything always neat. I always end up with a lot of bricks that lead to a brick way upwards and/or way downwards. When I make edits, I would usually erase everything and start again. I would like to organize this in any way. Is there a way you can put a little divider to just store a certain function? This way, when I start a new function, everything would be leveled. Is there a plugin for this if this does not exist? I know you can do this in programming in just about every language. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
EDIT: I have been given a question that, in some ways, can be seen as a duplicate. I am not looking to have my logic bricks behind the scene, by unselecting the link button. I am looking to have layers of logic organized by what can be a divider; this feature is most likely not in the engine, so I am probably looking at an addon.