How can I translate or position all UV faces at centre (under (Geometry Nodes or Shader Nodes) ... like centre of all faces are set at the same UV location (in this case at centre of image texture).
I have done this Voronoi object generated by Geometry Nodes.
And I want to place at each face the same image. So result should look like this:
Scalling texture according to Face Area is already achieved, and is not necessarily part of my Q.
Or any other idea how to achieve this effect without applying modifiers?
Blend file description:
- visible object is GN Voronoi with UV Unwrap (I wanted to position UV Faces at centre, but I failed...)
- one hidden object is the same object with GN Applied, just for illustration purpose, it use UVMap of second hidden object)
- second hidden object used few more nodes to position faces at centre because I wanted to Capture or Translate somehow face position as UVMap, but I failed ... in blend file is GN Applied just to create illustration of desired result.