Is there a way to search and select all nodes with a certain name within the GN node editor? I asked about this in blender chat in the past, but no one came up with an immediate solution.
However, I came across this blender exchange answer today and would like some help to modify it for Geometry Node editor.
Is it possible to select all of one type of node in the node editor?
import bpy
#Get composite nodes
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
#Get indentifer of the active node
find_type =
#loop through nodes
for node in nodes:
#if node has the same idetifier
if node.bl_rna.identifier == find_type:
#select it = True
(If this is already possible via an existing addon, please let me know in reply, thx in advance!)
line 6, in <module> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'bl_rna'
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