I somehow rotated my view a few degrees to the side and I don't know how to reset it.
How can I reset the view?
Note: I don't have a number pad.
I somehow rotated my view a few degrees to the side and I don't know how to reset it.
How can I reset the view?
Note: I don't have a number pad.
Start rotating the view holding the mouse scroll, then press and hold Alt button, while still moving the mouse. It will very quickly adjust the view as desired.
Holding Shift while hitting either Num4 or Num6 will rotate the roll of the screen. Num4 rotates counter-clockwise while Num6 rotates clockwise.
Numpad keys :
1 front view
3 right view
7 top view
Shift+1 back view
Shift+3 left view
Shift+7 bottom view
2/8 rotate up/down
4/6 rotate left/right
5 switch orthographic/perspective view
+/- zoom
I found it on the bottom left: View -> Align View -> View Selected.
I know this question is titled as "without numpad"; but in case this can help anyone else; for resetting the "scene rotation" to zero use this:
If you cannot see the numpad, for example you have a laptop; then, you can use Fn
For innstance numpad1
in my laptop is Fn + J
; so i should use Shift + Fn + J