I have four curves in the screenshots, but I'm focused on just the upper left one. Here, it's a Bezier curve. I've selected it, then I right-clicked and picked "Convert to Mesh." Then I went into Edit Mode and no vertices were selected. In fact, no vertices were visible: I searched and found this question asking the same thing. So I tried pressing A to get all vertices to appear and I get this (still in edit mode): I thought, "Well, maybe it's got so many vertices that it looks like one long line." I zoomed in. No. Just the line is highlighted, but there are no vertices on it. I tried to use Box Select to see if I could select a few vertices, but I couldn't select anything. Since my goal was to go on and make a prism out of this form (to use as a boolean modifier), I pressed E to extrude and nothing happened. I'm not sure if I can extrude from a line, so I turned all 4 curves in the screenshot into meshes, then joined them together into one mesh. I went to Edit Mode, hit A and moved my pointer as if I were extruding and there was no extrusion. The entire shape moved instead.
Why don't I see individual vertices in Edit Mode and why can't I extrude from this mesh I've created?