
So, I have a system that basically allows me to blend several images together over time.

However, it is a horrible system.

There are keyframes tightly packed keyframes all over the dope sheet. Here is it:

enter image description here

I manually wrote a GLSL shader to do this with OGRE3D back in the day, could I plug that into blender? I may have lost the code...

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers 2


Sure there is a simpler setup, you can exploit math nodes to do really cool stuff. What I think you want to do is to blend between all 3 textures but using only 1 animated property:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here I used colors instead of textures but it is the same thing. You can also expand this setup for more than 3 inputs and still having to animate only 1 value.


I do not think there is an easier way to do it necessarily, however you can make a custom Group Node.

Final Node Result

Select all the nodes you want to include (image textures and color mix nodes) and press Ctrl+G. Then drag from the Input node to the vectors and the mix values:

Make Node Group

You can now edit all the values easily. Just press Tab to go back to normal view, or Tab again to edit the selected group node.

Also, once it is created, you can add it in the scene by using Shift+A > Group > (group node name)

Add Node Group


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