So I wanted to make something using the new shadow caustics in Blender 3.2 , like a plane with some random displacement on surface like procedural bubbles or a random height map but doing so the shadow caustics cant be seen . So to see weather I was doing something wrong or not , I tried making a 3d glass cup with ridges from a tutorial . After trying many times (like changing position of light or changing light from point to area , increasing brightness) I barely managed to get this done.(image below)
As you can see the caustics are only visible very close to the plane and after some distance they disappear .
Finally the things that I would like to know are
How can I get better caustics without messing with the rotation/position of lights and mesh.
How can I make them more visible , like being able to see them at some distance and for finer detail like a displaced plane.
(The mesh has a simple glass shader , subdivision surface and solidify modifier )