i want to bake a whole scene of multiple object, i'm having quite a few issue with this.
first issue, it has multiple object on it. do i have to bake every single one of them? or is there an easier way?(join and then uv unwrap or some sort while keeping the texture intact?)
second, if i decide to bake them one by one, how do i handle the uv unwrap on the object without ruining the texture. like the road tiled texture
third, how do i bake an object with multiple material? do i have to put new image on every material? or is there an easier way(i know it has something to do with making a second uv map for baking, but thats about it, i have no idea how to use it on the node editor and last, why do my baked image always turns to black, even when i uv unwrapped it?( i create a second uv map for baking, smart uv unwrap it, i highlight it, and i highlight the new image, but it still came out black. what am i doing wrong?
just a heads up, im still getting use with baking, i've seen the tutorial on baking before, but never actually put it to use until this project. so please have mercy on thy soul and explain to me like youre trying to explain to a person with half a brain cell. Any help would be appreciated :D