I have quite a dense scene, with a lighting from behind through fog. I like the mood very much. Here is an EEVEE render (16 samples):
When I render this with cycles (512 samples) it looks like this:
One can clearly see the planes, where the images of the textures are placed on.
Before the scene was that dense, I made a cycles render with the same settings and got this:
I'm keen about knowing more about the effect in cycles. I believe, because the more dense scene leaves less less light will reach the planes in front of the camera and this will cause the effect. But I wonder why the transparent plane parts are affected by the rendering at all...? Because they are... transparent!?! I wonder if insanely high sample values in cycles would improve the situation or if I just have to have a more powerful light. In the end this should be an animation of at least 300 frames.
(like here in EEVEE: https://youtu.be/f4u1mUMdepI)
Edit: This is my shader node tree for the "Image as plane" object of one of my flowers:
Edit: This is the image on a plane that I use as texture. I cannot see any non transparency on that plane though...
Edit: Well, maybe there is something, because the grid does not shine through as bright as it is besides the plane. Looks as if I made some fundamental mistake by creating that image for my texture...