Hi i need to slow down animation, but gradually. I have 3 keyframes, first with linear interpolation, and i want linear motion up to second keyframe. But then, from the second one, i want to animation (rotating object) be smoothly slowed down. If i use bezier interpolation, it will firstly speed up rotation, and then slow down. I need some interpolation or method that will slow down rotation from second to third keyframe. I mean something like reversed easing....
2 Answers
Go into the Graph Editor, find the first keyframe, select it and press V > Vector. Then press RMB on the right handle, and move it so it is a straight line to the next point on the graph, and then press LMB:
This will make the object begin at and maintain the same speed, until it is time to slow down, when the standard ease method will be used.
Go to the Graph Editor and shape the transformation curve as pictured below. Now select the start point of the transformation curve, press T and set the keyframe interpolation type to Linear.
Having a keyframe in the middle of the curve may allow you to manipulate it and change the easing speed. Select the middle point and change its position using G. Grab the handle and scale it (S) to change the curvature (easing speed).