i got a models, with multi texture, so now i m looking how to bake texture in one image file to put the models in an 3D engine like unreal
So this my models :
- I create a new image
- I open the flow manager and i add the image for the selection
- i go to bake option and i lunch the generation but nothink come to me
This is a video of my attempt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwfOIl9f-uc
what do u thing is wrong on my process please
Webologie :
How do I bake a texture using Cycles bake How to properly unwrap my mesh? https://gamefromscratch.com/baking-blender-materials-to-texture-to-make-them-usable-in-a-game-engine/ i follow this video guide : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYvgFWEiNp8