I'm sorry this is a really beginners question. So I have a shapefile as in here:
I import the shapefile with the BlenderGIS Plugin. Now I would like to make this line have a neon-effect. However, I do not even see anything when I render it.
Before Render
I think two steps are important. The first is to create the mesh. I think this thread is useful for that.
Really create the mesh as discussed in here: https://github.com/domlysz/BlenderGIS/issues/233
Use something like the Bloom to get the neon-effect.
However, I am not sure if I am right about this and how to approach these steps particularly.
The thing is I really want to create these glowing lines as in here:
And as a last step (which is even more confusing to me), I'd like to put the shapefile on top of a raster layer such that it just lays above it. I think there is a snapping option but I am not sure if this is the best idea. There is also the possibility to extract the height values directly from a field within the shapefile. But what if I change the z-extrusion for the raster in Blender. I guess than it wont work anymore.