
In "Render Properties > Light Paths > Max Bounces", I can select all the passes I need for all the blend file. Is there a way to configure this for each individual object?

For example:

  • For OBJ1, I'd like the Transparent bounces to be 8.
  • For OBJ2, I'd like the Transparent bounces to be 12.

Thanks in advance!


1 Answer 1


You can do this on a per-material basis with the Light Path node.

Use a Mix Shader to tell the node tree that any bounce after a certain threshold should use a different BSDF.

Here's a plane with one edge extruded a few times to overlap, with a Solidify modifier. After 5 bounces the BSDF changes from a light blue to red.

enter image description here

Your settings in Render Properties just need to be high enough to support your shader graphs.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks mate for your answer. So is it possible I can just limit the ones I'm not using? Like some of the materials will use 8 passes, but some of them will use 60? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 12, 2022 at 13:46

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