I am currently working on a video and I stumbled upon the color management section of the render properties. I really like the look of the "false color" view transform so I want to use it as I really like the vibrant colors.
At the moment I have my scene (foreground) and a background image attached to the camera (its a png of clouds i drew in photoshop).
This is the background image:
I want the scene to use the "false color" view transform and the background image attached to the camera use the normal filmic view transform. Is this possible?
These are my compositing nodes so far. The top image is the background and the one on the bottom is the "scene" with the flowers and grass. In the small preview windows you can see that currently both are using the "false color" view transform.
These are the color management view transforms I use:
I only want those to be applied to the foreground and not to the background image so that the final render will look like this:
Is this possible? Can I somehow mix two types of color management styles/ apply color management only to a scene and not the attached background?