In Blender 3.0, using Geometry Mode, is there a way to create a list like [0,1,2...]
and apply various operations on it (math, zip,...) ? For instance I could use it to put 100 objects whose coordinate follows some functions, say x^2 and whose size follows another function, say 2x? (I may also be interested to add some randomness)
For now, I encode lists into geometry generated using Mesh line
, and I fake the Map
operation using Set Position
, but it sounds a bit weird to me.
It would also be cool to encode tuples or dictionnaires, and allow inputs from the user, for instance to accept and parse a kind of list like [{kind='cube', color='red', spiral_pos=0.5}, {kind='monster', color='purple', spiral_pos=0.8}]
Since this question is containing two questions (lists and custom attributes), I created a new question for custom attributes here.