I wanted to create a light up dance floor texture for a part of a model that is flat on the Z axis, but fills out in a hexagonal arch shape in the X, and Y direction. Originally, I was going to draw all my angled lines in a photo editing program, then make a bunch of squares and then round their corners, but then I got an idea and thought it would be way faster to just square up my UV's in blender, make a regular grid with rounded squares in a photo editing program, and then let the natural linear interpolation/distortion/stretching of this square onto the face of my object fit my grid to my object.
What I seem to have discovered is that this face isn't linearly fit/distorted to my object at all. What is actually happening here and why and is there a way to get linear interpolation?
Here's the shape of my flat faces:
Here's my texture mapped to my UV grid shape:
And here's what I'm seeing in my viewport in the shading view:
Why am I seeing this weird jagged distortion instead of a bunch of linear straight lines projected from one edge of my face outward to the other edge of my face? Is there a way to fix this and have it render what I would consider "properly"?