
I have an existing character model I'm attempting to render with a 'hologram' like effect (Fresnel, alpha, etc) applied as part of a scene using Cycles.

The model has three existing materials (body, accessories, eyes).

However, quite a lot of the interior geometry such as the details inside the mouth and the eye balls are visible through the main body mesh.

How do I make sure anything 'internal' to the character is still correctly hidden as though the model was opaque?

All three materials use a matching node network to the one below with just different texture images applied.

Render Preview Effect Node Network


2 Answers 2


You can use light path node for this. Transparent depth will be more or equal to 1 for secondary bounces. So you can use this information to set fully transparent material for secondary bounces.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ That was almost the right answer for my solution and was a good clue, I've followed up with my working solution in another answer. $\endgroup$
    – Nidonocu
    Commented Feb 14, 2022 at 12:34

Following up from Crantisz answer which didn't quite work but gave me a clue of which Node to use, I found that the Ray Length property gave the right results.

Along with making sure the primary body was the last material on the list.

I also added a round up for the accessories material where the hair fringe comes down slightly in front of the face.

Body and Eyes Network Body and Eyes

Accessories Network Accessories

Material Order Material Order

End Result End Result

  • $\begingroup$ Geometry -> backfacing might be an elegant solution $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 14, 2022 at 19:01

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