
am trying to setup a simple obstacle avoidance, using a ray sensor facing forward direction of an object. If this forward sensor hits something i want to send two raycast to the left and right of the hit position.

Am probably having 2 problems, understanding what it means to use vectors instead of objects position with Raycast. And rotating a vector.

Here's my code

def Raycastor(cont):
    obj = cont.owner
    sRay = cont.sensors['sRay']
    if sRay.positive:
        # Debug render ray sensor (Y)
        render.drawLine( obj.worldPosition, sRay.hitPosition, [0,255,0])
        # can get the vector between object and hit position
        vectTo = obj.getVectTo(sRay.hitPosition)
        # getting the vector from the list
        vectTo = vectTo[1]
        hit_obj, hit_pos, _ = obj.rayCast( vectTo[1], obj)    

Now i don't know how to rotate that vector, tried

matrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.pi / 2, 4, "Z")

and many other things but i usually end with a matrix, quaternion or tuples that i don't know how to use them with raycast or render.drawline for debugging.

So, for raycasting with vectors, does those vectors needs to be vectors pointing from objects to the origin ?

And is there a smart way of rotating a vector by some degrees (or whatever) ?

Any help appreciated.


1 Answer 1


you can take the player worldOrientation matrix and rotate it, and then base a vector on this.

rot = obj.worldTransform.copy() @ mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.pi / 2, 4, "Z")
#this assumes that X+ is forward
end = rot @ Vector([10,0,0])

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