I can write some text on the statusbar on the active workspace.
bpy.context.workspace.status_text_set("Hello World")
Then I can reset to normal with
I would like to set and reset statusbar text on a different workspace. I would think that getting the different workspaces and calling the status_text_set method on them would work, but did not. E.g. with
bpy.data.workspaces[0].status_text_set("Hello World")
I reach the Animation workspace. But calling status_text_set on that workspace will not write on that statusbar, but on the active statusbar, presently the 'Scripting'.
Definitelly something wrong with my logic, but can someone enlighten me, how I could write and reset other workspaces?
(I would like to write some non-context related status message with a background process. If the user switches from workspace to workspace meanwhile, the text will appear there as well, but finally, when the process is over, I want to reset the statusbars, and it will do it only on the last active workspace statusbar.)
Thank you for your help. Happy Blending! z