I'm creating a game, and my intention is to create a code that can run in the Standalone-Player, since I want a way to distribute it to him. Aafter creating my codes all related to the BPY module, I realized that when running in the "Standalone-Player" the code doesn't work, due to the lack of BPY support at runtime. A research showed me that it's very unlikely to use it in a "trivial" way with the "Standalone-Player".
My problem arises with the listing of some "resources" of the file itself, and I can't find a way to access it through the BGE module.
e.g. A way to list all scenes in the file that are not yet activated:
(since bge.logic.getSceneList()
only returns scenes that are already active)
# call its asigned before as a scene actuator
# c = python controller
if str(mo.hitObject) == 'Config_BT3':
VID = bpy.data.scenes['Main_MENU_VIDEO_CONFIG'] # <-- **HERE IS THE DEAL**
#Assing Scene to Load and Call him
call.scene = VID.name