Hope someone can help please.
Starting with a dirty 3d scan of an object (a thick walled container) I've remodelled the object with the aim of cleaning it up and making some adjustments. I've modelled the outside surface and the inside surface separately but I can't close the edges of the two shells. The image below show the edges of the inner and outer shells.
The edge of each shell has the same number of vertices / edges but the distribution of the vertices means that when I bridge the edge loops I get a lot of crossover in areas where there is more detail in one shell than the other.
I tried spacing the vertices and while this solves the bridging problem it introduces unacceptable distortion (see spaced image). I've tried simply filling the space but the result is similar to bridging.
Is there any way of keeping the original outline of the two edges and filling the gap between them?
Is there any way that I can upload the blender model?
Thanks in anticipation