I have two separate curve circles with two UV spheres instantiated on the circles at a point. I want to maintain procedural control of the location of these spheres on the circle through the angle. Here is my geometry node for this part:
I then want to capture the position data of these points/instantiated spheres to use in some mathematical operations to create a new position vector.
More specifically, I want to extract the x,y,z coordinates of the two points on the circles and then create a new position vector after performing some mathematical operations on those. Let (x1,y1,z1) be the coordinates for the sphere on the first circle, and (x2,y2,z2) be the coordinates for the sphere on the second circle. I want to create a new vector (v1,v2,v3)=(x1y2,y1x2,z1) which will then be used to plot a vector/line/instance at that location. (This is not exactly what I want, but a simpler version),
Here is my attempt:
This does not work and I am wondering if someone could tell me why, or if there is a simpler way to do this?