
I would like to smooth green faces together and red faces together on my model (see left part of the screenshot). enter image description here So, in edit mode, I select the green faces and I apply smooth: "Menu > Face > Shade Smooth". Then, I do the same for the red faces. Problem: the red and green faces are also smooth together. Proof: there is only one edge normal between the green and the red faces. How can I avoid the smooth between the green and the red faces ?

  • $\begingroup$ bevel the edges $\endgroup$
    – lemon
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 11:59

1 Answer 1


Go to your settings of that object and check this:

enter image description here

Then go to your object, select edges you want to be sharp and not smooth and use RMB and select this: enter image description here

Blue lines are your sharp lines


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