
I have instanced 14 triangles in a circle mesh. I am trying to rotate these independently of each other, making them point inwards into the circle, or outwards, pointing away from the middle of the circle, dependent on inputs I was planning to add later.

I don't understand why they at least do not point in a different direction using the node tree below. According to the viewer node the "Rotation instance" node should be receiving an array of different vectors, and according to my understanding, each instance should rotate the number in the array with the equivalent index.

The math might be wrong, and I may have to fix it later but one step at a time.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ please provide blend file so we don't have to rebuild everything manually $\endgroup$
    – Chris
    Commented Nov 27, 2021 at 14:53

2 Answers 2


I recomended to use "curve circle" node instead of "mesh circle" node, and "curve to points" node for giving correct rotation to all triangles. In the examples below you can rotate triangles inward or outward simply by changing "Y" rotation vector in "transform" node.

Example 1. All outward. enter image description here Example 2. All inward. enter image description here Example 3. Every 'N' inward. And every 'N+1' outward. enter image description here Example 4. Linear from inward to outward. enter image description here The main mistake of your node setup probably is in wrong placing of "capture attribute" node. It always should be in one line with the nodes where you are going to apply it to. enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ 0 converts to Boolean False, and non-zero values convert to Boolean True, therefore when you do modulo 2, and you know it returns only either 0 or 1, you can pass it to Selection directly - at least until you go beyond 16777216 i.imgur.com/pKXzma6.png - but as long as you use float modulo, the equal node won't help with it and the result is same with this setup i.imgur.com/qO4lbx5.png $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 21:06

Since you're rotating the instances, and you haven't used the Realize Instances node, the Attribute Capture node is unnecessary. Instead, you can just use the Position node, as shown below: enter image description here You also don't need the To Degrees node, since all nodes calculated in radians, even though sliders use degrees.


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