I have this GN setup:
I expected that if i unmute the mesh to curve node, that i got a curve...but i got...nothing.
Why don't i get a curve with half of the number of my resolution?
even the spreadsheet looks ok:
I have this GN setup:
I expected that if i unmute the mesh to curve node, that i got a curve...but i got...nothing.
Why don't i get a curve with half of the number of my resolution?
even the spreadsheet looks ok:
You can use a Delete Geometry node to selectively remove control points from a curve geometry without having to convert it to and from mesh geometry.
You can add any field output in the Selection input of the Delete Geometry node, so long at it can be evaluated as a boolean (True, False) for each control point of the curve geometry.
A Value of True (or number > 0) will delete the control point, when a value of False (number <= 0) will keep it.