Note: Baking the animation might not be the right thing for me to do - but from all my internet searches it seems right.
Problem: I have a character model and a weapon model which I need to move together. The weapons have a "child of" constraint, which works fine in Blender. When I export it as an FBX and pull it into Unity or onto Sketchfab, the character moves and the weapons are static.
Where I am now: I'd read that you have to "Bake the Action" for the child of constraint to be included. However, when I do that I get a weird behavior where it seems to only copy the arms and the weapon. After I run this, all leg key frames are gone from all of my animations. See below for an example of the same run animation after baking:
To Bake the pose, I did the following:
- Entered Pose Mode
- Set the Animation/Action to Run
- Selected All the bones
- Opened the Pose > Bake Action Menu
- Checked "Only Selected Bones" and "Clear Constraints"
This is the correct animation before baking: