There is an incredible wealth of 3D models available on Google's 3D Warehouse. Unfortunately these models come in Sketchup format. I have read a lot of tutorials on this, and everybody seems to praise Blender's Collada integration. However, I still get very mixed results when using Collada export to transfer the models:
- pieces are missing
- objects are combinations of hundreds of meshes, spread randomly throughout the outliner, grouped in non-logical groups
- scaling is almost always wrong
- when going into edit mode, the triangulation is all wrong so no UV unwrap possible (I have read on this forum that this is inherent to the ways Sketchup works)
- materials are never exported in the right way
- I have tried every possible combination of the Sketchup export options but no success so far when using .dae
My question: Is this because not all 3D warehouse models are made by professionals? Am I doing something wrong? Is there something superior to Collada to export (via Autodesk files?) I thought that inter program compatibility was the whole point of Collada...
Thanks very much. Some examples below: