I have looked through the post: Fill along the front of a path of an SVG and can't find a solution in it.
To create the above animation, I first added a bezier curve to the scene. I then applied a build modifier to the curve. I then added a nurbs path to the scene. Next, in the bezier curve's object data properties, under Geometry, then under Bevel, I set the bevel object to the nurbs path. Finally, I scaled the nurbs path accordingly. It has to be a small scale. Under my nurbs path object data properties, the x, y, and z scale are all about .03.
The curve animates itself in block chunks that appear in the correct order, but they individually grow in a direction that's 90 degrees clockwise of where I want them to grow. In other words, in the gif attached, I want the individual chunks of the curve to grow left to right instead of top to bottom.
I'm not sure what's responsible for this effect.
EDIT: So after going through @Chris's answer, it appears that the curve can be built normally if I extrude the curve and apply a 90 degree tilt. After learning this I went on to test out a few letters. I converted the letter b to curve, applied a build modifier, gave it a small extrusion, and then tilted it in edit mode by 90. Here's what that looks like:
The curve above builds itself properly, but there is a corner of the b that doesn't look too good (these messy corners can be worse and more noticeable on other letters) To fix the messy corner, the curve shape must be switched from 3D to 2D. I learned so after reading through this post: How to make beveled 90 degree corners on a curve better? For the beveling of this curve new curve with a corrected corner, the only way I could get the shape I want is by using the nurbs path method instead of the extrusion method. Here is what the animation looks like with the corrected corner:
That corner is fixed, but there is only one problem, the curve doesn't build itself like how it does when I was using the first method. This means that I can't have the best of both worlds. I want the clean corners that are available in 2D mode and the clean curve building that I got when using 3d mode with applied extrusion. Help! Here's a file where you can compare the two letters.