A while back a found this blog post about loading data from google maps, and I was hooked! I followed the tutorial and I've been successful in getting the data into blender, but the resulting 3D mesh is very crude. It's not flat on the bottom, but hollow. As my end goal is to 3D print this, do any of you know how to create a solid base for this mesh? (also any advice for cleaning up the "non-manifoldness" of the map) I've uploaded the .blend file here. All suggestions appreciated! Thanks! (P.S. Bonus points for figuring out where it is.)
1 Answer
you could try this:
go in edit mode and side view of your model:
Select a good amount of bottom vertices with box select and x-ray mode on:
now press E to extrude and Z Z (yes two times to extrude in z direction)
now add a box which is just a big as you want and it should only include the vertices you just extruded like this:
give it a boolean modifier type union and you got your base:
$\begingroup$ Thanks for the answer! I did try it, and it returned "modifier returned error, skipping apply" $\endgroup$– RafaelCommented Oct 19, 2021 at 18:49
$\begingroup$ Then please make a video what you did or a step by step explanation so that I can help you $\endgroup$– ChrisCommented Oct 19, 2021 at 20:18