In edit mode, I assign my figure's right thigh piece (selected in first picture) to it's respective vertex group that goes by the same name as the thigh bone. Once I assign, the thigh rotates 180 degrees on the Z axis for some reason. When I undo the assign (remove), it orients back to how it should look like as shown in the first picture. How can I assign the vertices with the vertex group without the thigh mesh rotating as shown by the second picture?
It must be something with the orientation of the bone itself. When I change the pole angle value of the yellow shin bone to 180 degrees, the thigh piece is correctly oriented but then it bends the wrong way when I move the body bone downward as shown by the third picture below.
There must be a simple fix, but I cannot find it nor can I easily edit the armature due to its various movement restrictions that I couldn't seem to remove either. Any help would be much appreciated.