
I would like to make 2D slices of a 3D model by controlling the spacing between 2 slices. I also would like each slice of this volume to keep its color and shading. The slices should have the same size and I would like to be able to save them as .png.

I found an interesting post: Render 2D cross sections of 3D Objects but each slice doesn't conserve the data that I want.

You can find an example of what I want to acheive.

enter image description here

Thank you in advance for your help.


1 Answer 1

  • Camera set to Orthographic
  • Render as OpenEXR 32-bit
  • Switch to compositor, use EXR file as a source and use two Z-combine nodes to clip it
  • Animate Z parametr to generate slicing into image sequence

enter image description here


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