Related to this question. In short, I created a Grease Pencil object using a model as the base by using the Line Art modifier and applying it. I then used "Reproject Strokes - View" to flatten the resulting Grease Pencil object along the camera view.
The point of this is to create a Grease Pencil object from a model, which I can then edit like a regular Grease Pencil object. The original 3d model is simply used as a base.
Works great so far. My problem now though, is that depending on how far away the object is from the center of the scene, the further away the Grease Pencil will be from its original model. See the example below:
I want the Grease Pencil to be on the model, roughly. In other words, I want to move the Grease Pencil closer to the camera while keeping the shape you see from the camera view. How can I do that?