So I exported my image sequence as 4k res png files from Eevee, 270 frames, and now I need to create a video from it. I couldn't find any reasonable information explaining everything about the process so here's my noob questions:
Do I need the same render settings when rendering the video as the render settings when rendering the image sequences ? Does sample count even matter when I already exported the images as 90 samples, should I put the same samples when rendering the video ?
My images are 4k resolution, should I put 4k resolution in the output of the video render as well ?
Do these settings even matter when I already have the images ? And if not, which settings matter when rendering the video ? Should I render the video from the same scene file or should I load a new one ?
I tried rendering my images as a video but the video is all jagged with all sorts of artifacts and the video is on a small screen resolution even though I put 4k resolution ?
Thanks in advance for anyone who can answer my questions !