It's the infamous "heat weighting: failed to find solution for one or more bones" error. It happens because your mesh has intersecting loose parts (horns, ears, head, body) and some mess in the tail. In Blender 2.8, you will see this warning in the status bar for a moment when you try to parent the mesh to the armature. If you see this it means "didn't work".
Your cow this is easy to fix. Just separate the head's mesh in a separate object. In Edit mode, select the head (hover mouse over it, then L), and press P. In the screenshot, it's the ("Badan (head)".
Hey, where's my tuft of tail?!
The 2nd problem is worse. It's inside the tail. If you peek in the mesh you will see the mess. You can cut off and recreate the bad part. If you don't want to/can't merge the tuft and to the end of the tail, then consider to separate the tuft and join it to the head object.
There is a little mess inside the tail
When you have fixed everything just parent all meshes to the armature.
Side note: In Edit mode, you can get rid of the light blue markers. Select everything, then choose menu entry Edge > Clear Sharp.