
Grease Pencil renders are darker when World Lighting is On .

World Lighting can be switched off if 'SceneWorld' is toggled off. However this action then doesn't render the World Background.

Tried changing Color Management to Standard but no change.

Also used Camera Ray output from Light Path node to affect the GreasePencil render but since it is not a MESH ,still no change.

Is there any way to make GreasePencil renders independent of SceneWorld lighting.

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


If your colours look weird in render preview then follow any one of the given solutions(solution 2 recommended)

This issue is caused by the 'use lights' option, this option is used if you have light sources close to your drawing to affect the colour.


In the layers panel, you'll need to uncheck "use lights" at the bottom of the layers list, for each layer, just under the blend mode and opacity.

OBJECT DATA PROPERTIES>select one layer at a time>uncheck the use lights option(under the opacity slider).

NOTE: Uncheck the 'use lights' option in all your layers or else this method won`t work


Another easier way instead of unchecking the option in all the layers instead of selecting them one by one is by selecting your grease pencil>OBJECT PROPERTIES>visibility>uncheck 'use lights' grease pencil.*

enter image description here

enter image description here

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enter image description here

This worked for me:

  1. Select the object.
  2. Go in to object properties.
  3. Unchek "Use Lights" under visibility.

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