I have been following along with Blender Guru's Donut tutorial. I reached the end of Level 3 Part 4, but I seem to have a persistent problem - the shadows on my cup and plate are way too dark. I initially thought it was because of my camera angle/light placement, then I thought it was a problem with the liquid but after hiding it from view, I see that it was neither.
Here's what I have done:
- restarted the whole cup process, followed along with the same videos to ensure I didn't miss anything.
- changed glossy and transmission bounces to 128, 64 and rendered with no changes.
- deleted the glass material and tried setting it up again.
- moved my scene light far away and changed its power/radius.
- checked that my plate and cup are not intersecting.
What I have figured out is that when I elevate my glass and plate above the plane, the transparency of the materials seems fine, and matches BG's results. But when I set it nearer to the plane, it darkens.
So I'm guessing it must be something to do with the plane, but changing material of the plane, and setting it back to no-material also yields the same results.
Note: in my blend file the BG camera and BG light are what I made to set the scene to mimic Blender Guru's lighting/camera angle to make sure it wasn't my composition giving me skewed results.
Thanks in advance <3