So I was making a car, but I couldn't move a vertice. I saw that someone else had said this question and one person said to turn off proportional editing. But when I tried it wouldn't turn off. I unchecked the box that said proportional editing, but when I came back to make sure it was unchecked, it would still be checked. EDIt: It if off, but when i move any edge, vertice, or face it automatically turns on.
$\begingroup$ Have you tried hitting 'o' on the keyboard? That's the default shortcut to disable proportional editing $\endgroup$– NullPointerExceptionCommented Apr 14, 2021 at 19:54
$\begingroup$ Yes, it but it doesnt work. Also tried Alt+O $\endgroup$– Anonymous UserCommented Apr 14, 2021 at 20:03
$\begingroup$ I opened blender again, proportional editing is off, but when i move the vertice, it turns on automatically $\endgroup$– Anonymous UserCommented Apr 14, 2021 at 20:10
$\begingroup$ Interesting... I haven't had that problem, and it doesn't seem to come up a lot. There are a few similar bugs posted on See and $\endgroup$– NullPointerExceptionCommented Apr 14, 2021 at 21:10
$\begingroup$ Same bug for me. Can't disable it $\endgroup$– StackHolaCommented Dec 14, 2021 at 17:31
2 Answers
Same here in Blender 3.0, Proportional Editing comes back automatically in object mode.
My workaround: Go in Edit Mode, toggle Proportional Editing on and off. Back to Object Mode, select one or two bones and Proportional Editing seems to work normally after that.
I think the real culprit might be the Mirror option under the Options dropdown in each viewport.
I have no idea why it's sometimes turned on, maybe a cat walked on my keyboard. But when random vertices are moving when I don't want to, it's usually that. It needs to be turned off for every object individually.