
Sometimes, I find it easiest to position my 3D viewport perspective using either the walk or fly through mode. I find it less clunky than the usual 3D port navigation tools. This is especially true if I'm trying to match my perspective to a photograph.

But when I exit walk/fly navigation after positioning everything how I want it, it snaps back to the position the viewport was in before I started navigation. I want it to just stay put.

I'm not talking about moving cameras, I'm just talking about the 3D viewport perspective.

I'm essentially asking the same thing as in this question, but that one has no working answers.


1 Answer 1


To keep the current position when using fly or walk viewport navigation, simply left-click when you are happy with the position. This will keep the current view.

As seen in this image Example

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you! I was pressing "ESC" which I guess meant "cancel". I should have read the little tool strip! $\endgroup$
    – rothloup
    Commented Apr 1, 2021 at 4:35

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