I have imported a 3D curve into Blender. It was obj and is now NURBS. All the curve points' tilt values are set to 0. I have created a camera with an empty parent object. Then, attached a follow-path constraint to the empty object. The empty object is attached to the curve and is moving along the curve, however, it does weird turns in random directions along the way making it impossible for the camera to have a proper view of the model. So tweaking the follow-path parameters won't do the trick. I know I can manually set tilt values for the curve points but it will take ages. I was wondering if there's a systematic fix so I could have a neat follow-up along the curve.
Update: I decided to remove the images and upload a link to the file. The file contains:
- The curve
- Suzanne (with an Array + Curve modifier) which clearly shows the weird behaviour.
- A camera (Alt+R and Alt+G-ed!)