For duplicate operator use context.selected_objects
for result
Is the last object to be created always the last element of the list?
Lets run a very simple little test in python console to see: add an empty to the default scene
>>> D.objects[:]
>>> bpy.ops.object.empty_add()
>>> C.object['Empty']
>>> D.objects[:]
The property list appears to be sorted alphabetically.
Use the context
This wouldn't be necessary if all operators which create objects
returned the object(s) created...
In the context - operator paradigm, an operator only returns a status (eg success) by using and altering context. The result is gleened after running from the context. It is always the case that directly after running a create object operator, the new object is context.object
cube = context.object
cone = context.object
Your new question.
Firstly recommend never using["Cube"]
since there is no assurance that it exists in which case it throws a keyerror or is linked to the context scene. The None
state mentioned in question alludes to ob = context.object
would be better, or by name scene.objects.get(name)
The question script example in question is creating states as discussed in
Is the active object and zeroth selected object always the same?
For the case of the duplicate operator it returns result in context.selected_objects
If the context.object
is None
or not selected it is not duplicated, else it becomes the new context object (first time thru loop)
First time thru loop, (ob is context object to begin) have context object and is only selected after deselect all.
Have new context object "temp" (and selected) after dupe.
Then you remove it. context object -> None
. It does not magically revert to some default object, if you remove the context object context.object is None
End of loop status No context object and none selected... what is the expected result???
The first time through the loop, temp is an object. The second time,
it's None.
Yep, exactly as expected. (if printing context object) Takes a while to grasp the concept of context.
The duplicate operator takes the selected objects, dupes them and returns as selected, simply
temp = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
{"selected_objects" : [ob]}
temp = context.selected_objects[0]
Since interested in one object can set as the context object at loop start. (as demonstrated in ideasman42's answer) (or end) with = ob
temp = context.object
temp = context.selected_objects[0]
a case when context object and zeroth are the same.
Having no context object can affect how other operators, eg entering edit mode funtion. Depending on the script functionality is often good practice to leave context how we found it. eg reinstating the context object and selection.
There are more regular low level API methods, which return the object reference, eg adding an empty to context collection.
mt ="MT", None)
for the "CtGP's" duplicate case
for i in range(3):
temp = ob.copy()
Subscribe to msgbus
Have left this in as, was my understanding of first incarnation of question, re finding the last object created with an add primitive object.
If the user has added an object with the UI and we wish to know the last one :
Similarly to Origins to the down of the object by default and Auto Normals by default look for the active object changing and check the active operator.
It is the case that most operators that add an object have a bl_idname
that ends in "_add"
Finding other objects created by addon operators that do not adhere to this, or added via other scripting technigues is going to be tricky, without constantly keeping track of scene.objects
and notifying on change. (Will look for link as have answered in this regard before too)
Here is a test script that sets scene.last_object_created
to the object last created using one of blenders add object operators.
import bpy
from bpy.props import PointerProperty
handle = object()
# Triggers when an object is made active
subscribe_to = bpy.types.LayerObjects, "active" #
def notify_test(context):
if (getattr(context.active_operator, "bl_idname", "").endswith("_add")
if in context.scene.objects:
context.scene.last_object_created = context.object
bpy.types.Scene.last_object_created = PointerProperty(
Test in py console after adding text object.
>>> C.active_operator
<bpy_struct, Operator("OBJECT_OT_text_add") at 0x7fb73cc7ccc8>
>>> C.scene.last_object_created['Text']
Another idea would be to make a collection of pointer properties to store more than 1 in some order.
Please also note that any use of context
is referring to bpy.context
seems to change depending on what's selected. I need a way to get the last object created, regardless of selection. $\endgroup$