
enter image description here

I want to find some way to imitate this technique. (draw a curve that becomes a model with a few clicks)

The same can be done with Paint 3D as seen here and Monster Mash as seen here.

The most I can do is convert the Grease Pencil to mesh and with the vertices create a plane, but inflate it is so hard.

Does anyone know a method to imitate in Blender what is done in Smoothie-3D, Microsoft Paint 3D or Monster Mash?


1 Answer 1


Okay, I finally figured out how to do it. I hope the explanation below can help other users. To understand the process in more detail, I recommend the tutorial "Blender Sculpting Tutorial: Full Advanced Creature Creation Workflow" by CG Boost on YouTube.

  1. With any model selected, in Sculpt Mode with the Lasso Trim tool, I change Trim Mode = Join and Shape Orientation = View in the header. Enable Use Cursor for Depth if you want to control the length of the model in proportion to the radius of the brush. The smaller the radius, the thinner the object will be.

enter image description here

Then I draw the shapes to create the silhouettes.

enter image description here

  1. To rearrange the mesh, I use the Remesh command (header) after defining a Voxel Size.

enter image description here

  1. And finally, to smooth and inflate the model to disappear with the hard edges, I use the Mesh Filter tool with Filter Types = Smooth / Inflate. Keep X/Y/Z active in Deform Axis and Orientation = View.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  1. From there, any adjustment of scale, rotation and proportion can be made in Object or Edit Mode.

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